I’ll be touring in Germany and Belgium in March, with my new sparring partner, Oaio. We have a lot in common except that she also sings in French and Spanish. She once lived in Argentina and that left a mark on her. It’s been a while I have not co-booked shows with a friend so THAT sounds like a proper re-boot.
03.17 Paris @ FGO, 8PM
03.18 Bruxelles (be) @ La Vieille Chéchette, 6:30 PM
03.19 Düsseldorf (de) @ Fox, 8 PM
03.20 Bochum (de) @ Maarbruecke*, 4 PM
03.21 Osnabrück (de) @ Living room show*
03.22 Emden (de) @ Einstein, 8 PM
03.24 Brussels (be) @ The Crazy Circle, 8 PM
03.25 Mons (be) @ Le LA du Hautbois, 8 PM
03.26 Lille (fr) @ Les Sarrazins, 8 PM
03.31 Lille (fr) @ J’en suis, j’en reste (LGBTQ festival)
* Private shows, e-mail me for more details
Additional gig:
Pollyanna + David & Marla Celia (CAN/DE)
03.30 Boeschepe (fr) @ Brockland
And please note I’ll be back in Berlin on May 28th and in Leipzig on May 29th (more details soon)